30 Day Challenge Wall of Fame

These are our heroes – the people who dived into the
30 Day Challenge and made things happen!

Every person that has ever joined us on the Screw Work Let’s Play 30 Day Challenge is our hero – because they had the courage to step out of their comfort zone and onto the court.
Here are just a few of them and what they made happen – and how it has changed their lives…




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completed a first draft of her photography book, called 'Photocrafty: 75 Creative Camera Projects for you and your DSLR – www.photocrafty.net

“The 30 Day Challenge helped me finish my book Photocrafty: 75 Creative Camera Projects for you and your DSLR and gave me the confidence to show it to publishers. And now it’s published!”

“Now instead of just talking about it, my book is published and the project can continue to evolve.

And the Challenge helped me to start shaping thoughts and ideas for future work directions – you can do so much in this short time!

The Challenge really helped me to complete my project. It kept me focused and accountable. I loved being a part of a positive community, with like minded people. And the coaching that I received from John and Selina was excellent.”



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made a meditation stool. Now runs courses at www.thegoodlifecentre.co.uk
Today the MOD paid me to teach six ex soldiers how to make a bench – how did that happen?!”

“My project on the 30 Day Challenge was self care – looking after myself, diet, exercise, lifestyle – after a high blood pressure diagnosis. As part of that I hand-made a wooden meditation stool.”

”Later, I found an opportunity to get paid to teach courses for others on how to make this stool. And my course got me noticed by the BBC for a national TV programme on handmade products!

It hasn’t been a case of ‘A leads to B’ in any straight line for me. The 30 Day Challenge opened me to me, to my creativity, saying yes, being playful, grabbing opportunities.

Here’s a photo of me and the soldiers on the bench I designed, and they created today.”

David Barker















[testimonial3 author=”David Barker – made a meditation stool. Now runs courses at www.thegoodlifecentre.co.uk” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/David.jpg”]“Today the MOD paid me to teach six ex soldiers how to make a bench – how did that happen?!”

“My project on the 30 Day Challenge was self care – looking after myself, diet, exercise, lifestyle – after a high blood pressure diagnosis. As part of that I hand-made a wooden meditation stool.”

”Later, I found an opportunity to get paid to teach courses for others on how to make this stool. And my course got me noticed by the BBC for a national TV programme on handmade products!

It hasn’t been a case of ‘A leads to B’ in any straight line for me. The 30 Day Challenge opened me to me, to my creativity, saying yes, being playful, grabbing opportunities.

Here’s a photo of me and the soldiers on the bench I designed, and they created today.”

David Barker


[testimonial3 author=”Tim Nicholls – made a wooden book-sharing portable library for his community” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/tim.jpg”]”Within a week of starting my project I was being paid to make props for a Beach Boys movie and Lucas Films.”

Tim wrote a blog post that got him noticed by The Economist and they commissioned him to write a series of articles for them.

Watch the video below where Selina interviews Tim about how his 30 day play projects (and the willingness to start something – anything!) changed his career… and his life.


[testimonial3 author=”Cilla Cerredo – has now quit her job to become an artist and support herself by organising creative workshops in her country house in France. 30DC was where it began… www.cillabella.com” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/cilla.jpg”]”I feel so grateful for having joined the 30 Day Challenge, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life.”

I have gained my freedom and happiness, I’m no longer frustrated and angry, I speak up about my plans, and I have gotten the word out, and this is just the beginning. I’m getting so much support and recognition from friends and even strangers. I have teamed up with a couple of other players, and I’m riding that roller coaster now! YeeeeeeeeeeeeeHHHHHHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

Once I had conceived my project, the major part of it was to get the word out – create the phenomenon on Facebook, etc.  Next step was to set up a programme and find people to run workshops, which as much easier than I thought – lots of people want to get together and have fun! Then I created my website, little by little, with lots of help from John and other fellow players.

It was a total change of life! I am no longer frustrated and angry with high blood pressure, I’m constantly happy and looking forward to each day, excited and feeling fulfilled. I have boosted my self esteem and also the way people look at me – no longer an anonymous assistant but a creator of happiness and creative community!

Cilla's art workshop in France



[testimonial3 author=”Nadine Chadier – Developed an innovative approach to French language pronunciation – www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4800978″ + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Nadine-Chadier2.jpg”]“I’d wanted to start this project for a few months before, but without the support network, I knew that something ‘more important’ was going to get in the way. I needed the commitment and accountability!”

I found an innovative and brain-friendly way to code the pronunciation of the French language. During the 30 Day Challenge I created stories on powerpoint as concept for animators to bring my ideas to life and be part of a new teaching method.

That gave me the groundwork to approach animators, who are now making animations for me. I have also found a singer songwriter to make the music.

In order to build interest, I have created a LinkedIn group called Empowering Language Maintenance, to enable any language lover to practise their languages skills in a supportive enthusiastic community.

[testimonial3 author=”Caroline O’Hanlon – compiled a range of ideas for non-alcoholic drinks called ‘Juicy Varieties’ ” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Caroline-OHanlon2.jpg”]”The biggest result for me as a result of doing this project has been learning to be not afraid to just DO IT without worrying about it being ‘perfect’.”

I produced a range of photos and artwork that I am proud of and till then, did not realise I was capable of doing.
I am currently working on designs for greeting cards

[testimonial3 author=”Anna Sansom – set up a blog called ‘The Ladygarden Project’ to explore and celebrate women and their sexuality. www.ladygardenproject.com” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/anna.jpg”]I’ve produced something I wanted to do for over 18 months… I actually got on and DID IT!

I’d wanted to do something called ‘The Ladygarden Project’ for several years but the title had just been sitting in my ideas book all that time. The 30DC gave me the focus I needed to actually start something. Seeing my blog homepage and my first ever post come to life on the internet gave me such a buzz! Far more than a few words in an ideas book ever did. I took an idea and made it into something real.

The Ladygarden Project blog has now expanded into a full website where I continue to blog but also promote and sell my ‘Play Dates’: activities for women that use creativity (art, craft, writing etc) to help them explore and enjoy their sexuality.  The confidence I got from doing the 30DC helped me to get my erotic writing published too: my first novel and several short stories have been published in the last year and I’m currently working on a new novel. Plus, I’ve been invited to contribute to the ‘sex issue’ of the magazine DIVA – the UK’s leading lesbian and bisexual magazine.

My commitment to the original 30 days has turned into over 12 months of ‘playing’ . I’m now going solo – having ‘proved’ to myself that I can, and I am, doing this.


[testimonial3 author=”Frank Mason – did a photography project but discovered during the 30 days that what he really loved was coaching… – www.makingthemostofme.com” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/frank1.jpg”]”I’ve realised that coaching is something I love doing, can actually do and want to do more and more of. This wouldn’t have happened if I’d just kept thinking about it and hadn’t taken the ‘leap’ to try it (through 30DC)”

I set up a challenge/website called The Postcode Photo Project (www.postcodephotos.co.uk) – managed this in 30 days with the support of the community, including learning word press basics etc and had a great time doing it. However, what I found was that I got probably more excited about supporting fellow 30DC’ers and encouraging them on their projects than doing my own… which led (via lots of feedback and thought!) to me considering doing coaching on a more deliberate/organised (business?) basis….

So thats what I did for my 2nd 30DC – coached a selection of people free of charge in exchange for feedback (and of course the experience it provided) – which i LOVED

I’ve realised that coaching is something I love doing, can actually do and want to do more and more of. This wouldn’t have happened if I’d just kept thinking about it and hadn’t taken the “leap” to try it (through 30DC). I’m now training for a formal qualification (the experience ofdoing this is great) with a view to turning this into a business, have completed over 60 hoursof actual coaching with great feedback and started receiving my first play cheques !!


[testimonial3 author=”Alanna Freeman – wrote and illustrated a children’s book –  http://bit.ly/adventurer-roo” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/alanna.jpg”]”The buzz I got when I had a finished book in my hands was incredible.”

I really learnt that if there’s something you want to do, you should at least give it a good shot. And if that thing is something that you think ‘Oh no, I couldn’t possibly do THAT…’ it’s even more rewarding in the end.


[testimonial3 author=”Michael Macmahon – launched a career as a public speaker – http://michaelmacmahon.com/presentations/” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/MJM-at-Inner-Wheel-dinner_5.jpg”]“The most exciting part was to rediscover that this is one of the things I enjoy most and do best.”

Now I’ve spoken at a Rotary club and at a 60th birthday (and received great appreciation for both) and I’ve also joined Bristol Speakers’ Club, where I seem to have been branded immediately as an expert.


[testimonial3 author=”Julia Palmer-Brown – dedicated her 30 days to indulge in her love of horses, turning it into a blog – www.hayandpolos.com” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Julia-Palmer-Brown1.jpg”]”The most exciting part of the project was how, once I’d decided on what I was doing, doors kept opening.”

My plan was to have fun with polo, dressage, cross country, jumping etc. What actually happened was I got approached to ride an injured rider’s horse and so I didn’t do quite as much experimental playing as I would have liked, but I got paid to ride a stunning horse in the most beautiful countryside, I also found a fantastic dressage trainer and went for a champagne lunch at Norfolk polo during the 30 days. I continued my playing with horses and turned it into a blog www.hayandpolos.com

It has led to me starting a Horse Sitting Service, Horse Sitting Suffolk, which I am very excited about – see www.horsesittingsuffolk.com

It’s funny, you just have to believe in yourself and go do it!


[testimonial3 author=”Maggie Kirkland Wray – created the first draft of a website for her coaching business, and wrote the first two blog posts  http://achievewithmaggie.com” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Maggie1.jpg”]It was exciting to see the project coming together!  

Writing the text for the website helped me to identify the clients I want to work with and what I want to help them achieve, and I learned a lot during the project about how to construct a website in WordPress, which has come in very handy since then!

The draft website I created during the play project formed the basis of a new, upgraded business website that I created myself and launched in January, 2013.


[testimonial3 author=”Issy Zinaburg – launched her interior design business with some hands on projects and a website http://www.zinaburgdesign.com” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/issyzinaburg-66_600.jpg”]”Looking back I can see what a huge catalyst for change it was and that after many months knowing I wanted to make a change but not really managing to get started, the 30DC was really what propelled me into action finally!”

The most exciting part was the designing itself – having fun with being creative without fixating so much on the outcome that I became paralysed with anxiety, as had so often happened in the past. In that respect the weekly buzzes seemed to totally read my mind and were so useful and insightful, helping unravel all the negative thoughts and behaviours that held me back.

Since then (and much to my and my colleagues surprise) my boss accepted my request to go part-time so I know work 3 days a week in the “day job” freeing up more time for the interior design.   I have got my first proper “professional” interior design project and play cheque to go with it.

So a massive thank you to you both Selina & John for all the support along the way!  I would never have thought a month could make such a huge difference.


[testimonial3 author=”Gina Musa – ran a half-day taster coaching group session that I had been wanting to try out for a while.  It was for people who had something they wanted to achieve but couldn’t get going.” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Gina_Musa_LPT230-21.jpg”]”The 30 Day Challenge made a huge difference to how I viewed my life overall.”

I’d just finished an MSc in coaching psychology and knew it was time to start developing my own stuff but kept putting it off.  That’s when the 30DC came along…I ran a half-day taster coaching group session, nine people came along and the idea worked!

The biggest result is that I was so inspired by what other people were doing on the 30DC that I realised that I could do it too!   So since the 30DC I started a regular newsletter/blog, have been building up a subscriber base, developed my own website (and I had very limited technical knowledge), learnt loads about how to go about developing my business, self-published a book (which at one point reached no 4 in Lulu’s top 10 of self improvement books 🙂 and written an e-course based on the coaching group idea I tested out in the 30DC.  I’m expecting to launch this sometime this year and may also run it as an actual face to face course.

I still need to do a fair amount of other freelance work to pay the bills but am increasingly getting paid for the work I really enjoy.  The plan is to change the balance!


[testimonial3 author=”Irena Ellis – I decided to make  jewellery as I used to make my own when I was a child and teenager and wanted to get in touch with my playful self, as well as to help healing after a difficult period in my life. www.arting-umeneni.blogspot. com ” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Irena1.jpg”]”I knew I needed some help to just be and also to find out where it was I wanted to be heading.”

Perhaps the biggest result was that I realized I can get a hang of my top dog yapping at the top of its voice.

As a result I have started putting up my creations on my blog, came up with the first street art piece concept, made a first portrait and got in touch with many great people that I can turn to for assistance, cooperation, guidance, feedback and support. It has been amazing. I have now some 10 potential as well as 5 agreed projects lined up (they include: a portrait painting commission, National Gallery education programme development, exhibition concept development, Language Learning through Art book draft and a local art gallery worskhops) that are paid. All this largely due to the confidence and mojo I got from the first play project. I have been making more street art recently too in my new hometown of Klatovy, CZ. On top of that, I am still making jewellery and even sold some locally before Christmas



[testimonial3 author=”Jay Chesters – I wrote the first chapter (in ten parts) of my work-in-progress zombie novel – http://supermansdead.wordpress.com/” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Jay-Chesters1.jpg”]”Previously, it was just an idea. I had nothing tangible. At the end of 30 days, I had written ten parts to complete the first chapter — it showed me what I could do when I just sat down and did it.”

As a writer, sometimes the hardest thing of all can be getting started. Thinking “I just have no ideas” but a deadline can give you a way of getting around that. Saying “I didn’t write anything because I didn’t know what to write about” wasn’t going to be good enough, so I knew I just had to sit down and do it. The 30DC got me to commit, in public, in the open, “I am going to do this” and then get it done. It also gave me a realistic goal, it didn’t have me say “start writing it” (too vague) or “write a whole novel” (in my opinion, not practical in a month) but to set a realistic target.
It got me doing what I love: writing, writing, writing — just spending an hour or more every night alone with the computer, just writing, and making sure I’d meet that week’s deadline.

[testimonial3 author=”Louise Broda – started a blog to inspire others about wellbeing and the mind-body connection – particularly aimed at people who have experienced fatigue or burnout from being in the caring professions – www.louisebroda.com” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Louise-Broda1.jpg”]”It helped me realise that I am allowed to talk about what I love and it does not help to hide my passions under a bushel for fear that others won’t like it”

It began as a way for me to be absolutly true to myself and write about what was truely important to me, hoping to help and inspire others along the way! I have developed this blog into a lecture, the first of which I am due to deliver in March to Physiotherapy students!

It has helped me realise a lot about myself too…1.That I LOVE writing…and writing from the heart rather than the academic style of writing that I have always been encouraged to do. 2.That all my personal experiences mean that I am uniquely experienced in this area to talk about it 3. That I am allowed to talk about what I love and it does not help to hide my passions under a bushel for fear that others won’t approve or like it…if you are passionate about it you need to get the fire going gently and then kindly tend to it (by being brave and sharing with like-minded people who will help and who are interested). 4. That I actually want to write a book on this topic!!! (I think this is my new 30DC!!!)


[testimonial3 author=”Muriel Lauvige – drew and designed a fun comic book to learn French for adult beginners – http://frenchmyway.com/site/” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/muriel.jpg”]”The 30DC helped me to move from a simple project to a possible career change”

First I loved the energy I got from the online community and the positive attitude and genuine interest from the other members. I also loved to see my project grow and become something much more professional, first I thought I was going to write a draft and find a professional designer to make the book, I decided to learn how to draw with a teacher, bought a new computer and also learned Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign. I am proud of the play journey I have started. It has also changed my outlook on the project, it is really not work anymore but play.


[testimonial3 author=”Pauline Esson – created a video series of people who had done things to make their work a pleasure – http://www.withintegrity.co.uk/blog” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/pauline1.jpg”]”One of the most exciting parts of the project wasn’t anything to do with what I produced but the enthusiasm it generated in me.”

Experiencing the huge boost in energy I get and how much more productive I am when
I’ve got the support and ecouragement of people who’re all rooting for me. That combined
with the focus, structure and gentle accountability of the 30 Day Challenge, setting goals
for each week, checking in on what achieved and, VERY importantly for me, rewarding
myself and taking time off to and enjoy the achievements.


[testimonial3 author=”Julia Elmore – committed to drawing/painting/creating something every day for 30 days and set up www.BeCreativeDaily.com to document that journey” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/JuliaElmoreBeCreativeDaily1.jpg”]”I am now able to confidently tell people that I am an artist. I love my Art Club at school which is filled (16 kids) within 24 hours. I had to add a second group which is rapidly filling up too!”

Half way through the 30DC I realised that I would like to run art workshops. I now teach 2 weekly art classes for children at my son’s school and run workshops for Mums who want to explore their own creativity. I can safely say that the May 30DC last year was the one thing I did that had the biggest positive impact on my life in SO many ways.


[testimonial3 author=”Michelle – started a blog about travel and living life abroad in London, with the occasional rave about coffee, gadgets and great fashion finds – http://bluenosegirl.com ” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/bluenosegirl2.jpg”]”I loved seeing what direction the blog would take as I was unsure what topic to focus on.”

I have had requests from others to write for their websites which as given me confidence in my writing.   I learned that when I am writing about something I am passionate about my fingers fly across that keyboard.  As well I have gotten out and met other bloggers through various events, I even attended a bloggers conference in Italy.

I am now in the midst of starting my own business and all that I have learned about social media and marketing by keeping my blog is coming in really handy.

[testimonial3 author=”Bev Webb – wrote an eBook about finding the time to be creative – http://www.kickass-creatives.com” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/bev-webb1.jpg”]”Eighteen months on and I’ve now launched a business offering coaching to creatives!”

It was the catalyst I needed to finally get started and then keep going to create a new business doing stuff I’m passionate about.

What started with a simple blog and then writing an eBook, has expanded into a business offering courses and coaching to frustrated creatives. I specialise in helping other people to become more creative and blast through the blocks that are holding them back.

I’ve been offered speaking opportunities, asked to run workshops and most recently been interviewed for a European-based arts magazine. It’s amazing how far I’ve come from my initial play projects.


[testimonial3 author=”Julie Cumberland – brought to life an idea she’d had for over a year – a social networking site for pet owners –  www.barkersforpets.com ” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Julie1.jpg”]”If you do something just for the passion of doing it, great things can happen. “

Suddenly, from a standing start I have created a business that is real, has a life, people are talking about it with the same excitement I have for it and it’s out there….who knows where it will take me but now I feel my future is being driven by me at the helm and not being a wage slave or harness to the crushing corporate cultures that we are enduring


[testimonial3 author=”Stephanie Collins – designed the idea for an app which gives spiritual guidance and inspiration” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Barbra-Stephanle-51.jpg”]”One of the most exciting parts of the project wasn’t anything to do with what I produced but the enthusiasm it generated in me.”

I have received massive support as well as input, not just from Selina and John (who are brilliant, enthusiastic and have a mass of resources to share) but also the 30DC community was incredible – I have had so much support, made great contacts and (there is no doubt) without the 30DC community I would not be at this point in my journey with the creationof my app.


[testimonial3 author=”Gerry Wilmer – set herself the challenge of 30 drawings in a sketchbook in 30 days, posting them online” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/gerry1.jpg”]”It got me back into painting again! Yaay!”

I loved doing the drawings, and was surprised with how exciting it was to post the pictures on a blog, not thinking myself as a very ‘internet tecchie’ kind of person! The discipline of drawing everyday in the sketchbook got me back into painting again! Yaay!- and the exercise also helped me to get over some of my fears of technology!


[testimonial3 author=”Nina Lenton – committed to writing for 20 minutes every day and posting it on a blog – www.purplenina.co.uk ” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/nina.jpg”]”It was so exciting seeing what I could achieve in just 20 minutes a day, creating something that I could see at the end of the 30 days that I’d done. I saw a new side of me emerge.”

I signed up to the 30DC because I was fed up with having ideas that I never did anything with, and thought it was time I tried one of them out! I didn’t commit to any particular style of writing, but most of the blog posts ended up being descriptive, some very short stories or scenes, with a few factual posts as well.

After the 30DC, I took all of the creative posts and moved them to their own website, which I’ve continued to add to ever since. I published an ebook in November, and am about to publish another one. I decided at the start of January that I wanted to meet writers in my local town, so I set up a Facebook group, sent a few tweets and ended up with a small piece in one of the local papers about my writers’ group! I’ve also been published on the flash fiction website Paragraph Planet several times (my 4th one will be appearing tomorrow).  I haven’t finished the journey by a long way, and there are still plenty of project ideas in my head, but the 30DC started me off on this exciting road!


[testimonial3 author=”Sam Dounis – started a blog to get back into writing and it lead to a new career – thewriteangles.co.uk” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Sam-14.jpg”]”The result was that I started writing for a living! The experiment became what I did!”

I started a blog to see if I could write, even if I didn’t feel like it or feel inspired. The result was that I started writing for a living! And when I evolved my business to focus on Social Media strategy, I was confident about writing a weekly blog, because I’d done it before – my Play Project just keeps giving!

Without the 30DC I’m not sure if I’d have got my blog up and running and then I would have missed out on all the learnings that let me pursue something I love and be confident that I can do it well. It was a much bigger step up over the ‘what shall I do’ obstacle than I think I even realised at the time!


[testimonial3 author=”Laura Jeary – wanting a career change, she tried out new things that interested her, things that she used to love doing as a child, to see where it would take her – http://www.linkedin.com/pub/laura-jeary/48/325/a67″ + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/laura-jeary.jpg”]”This last year, as a result of the 3DC, has felt like a treasure hunt – moving from one clue to the next, making connections and discovering talents and interests that I didn’t know I had or which had got lost somehow along the way.”

I had already decided to leave my job in architecture. I wasn’t quite sure what to do in order to get where I wanted to go even though I didn’t really know where I wanted to go, I just knew it wasn’t here, or rather there, because (thankfully) I’m not ‘there’ anymore!

The 30DC gave me the chance to focus my thoughts and work out the best way to move forward.

I am now doing a Diploma in Stone Masonry and have recently been accepted onto a Stone Carving Postgraduate Diploma at the City and Guilds Art School in London. I’m also off to Spain for ten weeks on a funded work placement where I will be working with architects and stone masons on historic buildings in Cordoba. To think… it was only this time last year that I was sitting looking out of the window from my computer thinking ‘there’s got to be more to life than this…’. It’s amazing what can happen in a year!


[testimonial3 author=”Margaret Rode – built a website about green living – http://green-hedonist.com” + pic=”http://the30daychallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/marg2.jpg”]”The most exciting part of the project was watching a dream — an impossible dream, I thought — take shape and become reality. “

When I began, I had few hopes that I could turn my pleasure-seeking activities into something that would be helpful for other people, but with the help of my 30DC community, I did.

I built a web site for my alter ego, The Green Hedonist, who loves food, spirits, entertainment, travel…all the wonderful things in life, but who wants to put a green spin on all of them. I write about the ways people can enjoy a luscious life but also have an environmental conscience, without sacrificing pleasure.

Now I get good regular traffic on my web site and social media pages, and as a result am meeting tons of interesting, intelligent people. It’s expanded my personal community  of like-minded folks tenfold, and has added a sense of fun and connectedness to my day-to-day life that I hadn’t dared hope for. The difference is amazing!