The NEW Screw Work Let’s Play 30 Day Challenge (ORIG)

John and Selina

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Now Remaining: 43


What do YOU dream of doing?

[red_arrow_list width=”100%”]

  • Making a living without a job?
  • Starting a business (even if you don’t yet have a business idea)? 
  • Getting paid to do something you love?
  • Selling your skills, art or products for the first time – making your first ‘Playcheque’?
  • Writing a book and selling your first copy?
  • Launching something fun that could turn into an income stream for you like a blog, an event, public speaking, or performing live in front of an audience?


Let’s launch it in 30 days!

In the 30 Day Challenge we’ll lead you through a unique Play Process to find an idea you love (if you don’t already have one) and create a version of it that you can launch within 30 days.

You could even make money from it for the first time!

And that’s WITHOUT quitting your job, WITHOUT spending a ton of money, and WITHOUT even needing an idea before you start!


Media logos 

Not got an idea yet? We’ll show you how to find one quickly

You’ll be amazed how easy it is to generate ideas that could get you paid to do what you love – once we show you our tricks.

And if you have too many ideas, we’ll show you how to choose the right one for you.

Launch It In 30 Days

Unlike other courses that teach you some techniques you have to go off to use alone, in the 30 Day Challenge we lead you day by day through creating something you love  in 30 days.

And you’ll have 200 fellow players alongside you every step of the way.

If you have an idea that seems so big you don’t know where to start, we’ll show you how to make a version you can launch in 30 days without spending lots of money, and how to scale it up from there.

You will be blown away by what you’ll achieve – even if you’re short of time.

[testimonial1_arial author=”Anita Chaudhuri, Features Editor, Psychologies Magazine”]

Psychologies magazine

Wow. Just wow.

In six years of writing for Psychologies magazine
I have done any number of goal-setting, dream-boarding, wish creating type workshops.

The 30 Day Challenge was the best ‘make it happen’ programme I have ever done.


Make Your First Playcheque

We’ll show you easy ways to get paid the very first time. You might even make your first ‘playcheque’ during the 30 days of the challenge!

[testimonial3 author=”Tim Nicholls” + pic=””]Tim – from no business idea to getting paid to do what he loves:

“When I signed up for the 30 Day Challenge, it wasn’t because I had a particular business idea that I wanted to pursue. What I did have was a very successful career doing something I didn’t really care about.

It’s no exaggeration to say that I went from being a miserable Behavioural Economist to a very happy ‘Designer and Maker of Stuff’ thanks to the 30 Day Challenge. The support of the other participants and having people to bounce ideas off makes a huge difference when you’re out of your comfort zone.

Today, I have a portfolio of different creative mini-businesses that pay me; I write for a couple of different magazines, I make props for blockbuster movies, I’m in the middle of publishing a book on arcade game artwork and I have a joint venture creating framed prints with my buddy Mark.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I signed my friend Mark up for the 30 Day Challenge earlier this year and guess what? He now works for himself too!”[/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”Jody Day –” + pic=””]In just 30 days Jody Day started Gateway Women – a website and network to support and inspire childless women like herself. The project quickly attracted press, took on a life of its own, and now provides her full time income.

“Doing the 30DC gave me ​both a ​deadline and the encouragement ​ I needed to get the first version of the Gateway Women website live and book my first public talk​, despite my incredible nerves!​

There’s been no looking back since then and I’m increasingly becoming known as ‘the voice of the childless generation’ ​- it seems I’m the founder of what looks like a ​new social ​move​ment!​

I often recommend ​John’s book, the 30 Day Challenge and the concept of the ‘Play Project’ to women looking to explore their Plan B ​for​ life when motherhood doesn’t happen​ (and even mentioned it in my new book).

Thanks John and Selina​ for helping me to help so many other women.”​[/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”David Barker – now teaches courses for” + pic=””]David Barker’s project was to use his love of making things to create a meditation stool and then…

”I found an opportunity to get paid to teach courses for others on how to make the stool. And my courses got me noticed by the BBC for a national TV programme.

And just today, the MOD paid me to teach ex soldiers how to make a bench. How did that happen!!” [/testimonial3]

We kick off 1st Nov – grab your place

Book your place now

What will YOU do?

See what’s possible for you in 30 days in this 2 minute video with John and Selina.

[testimonial3 author=”Julia Elmore –” + pic=””]“I can safely say that the 30DC last year was the one thing I did that had the biggest positive impact on my life.

Half way through the challenge I realised that I would like to run art workshops. I now teach weekly art classes for children at my son’s school and run workshops for Mums to explore their own creativity. I love my Art Club at school which filled with 16 kids within 24 hours. I had to add a second group which is rapidly filling up too!


We know how to beat your biggest obstacles

We know what gets in the way of starting something to get paid to do what you love:

[black_tick_list width=”100%”]

  • You don’t have an idea to start
  • You have too many ideas and can’t decide which one you should start
  • You can’t see how you can get your chosen idea started
  • You don’t know if your idea will work or make any money,
  • You just don’t have enough time


End result: you put it off for another day.
Then 30 days go by, then 30 months, then more, and you’re still where you were at the start.

On the 30 Day Challenge we will show you how to get over every one of these barriersand more – and make your ‘one day’ project happen NOW.

[testimonial3 author=”Stephanie Harrison –” + pic=””]The 30 Day Challenge worked for me!

I went from ‘technophobe’ to ‘app developer’ in just 12 months. I now have an app in the App Store. The Life Guidance and Inspiration App has been listed in the What’s Hot listings continuously since July this year and has received almost 100% 5 star reviews and ratings. It has already had nearly 3000 downloads in more than 60 countries, with more downloads each day.

How did I do it? It all started with the 30 Day Challenge.[/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”Claire Hughes – busy person, procrastinator, and successful 30 Day Challenger” + pic=””]

“I promise you will find the time to work on your project. I am the world’s worst procrastinator, plus I moved house during the 30DC, have ongoing work commitments, a toddler, and a very active dog – yet I still managed to produce something I was proud of. If I can do it, so can you!”

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Your guides in the challenge – John and Selina



John Williams

…is best-selling author of Screw Work Lets Play. Ten years ago he left a job as senior managing consultant at Deloitte to create a new life doing what he loves.

Now he runs his own 6 figure business doing what he loves.

John has turned what he’s learned along the way into startlingly simple, yet effective, tools for getting paid to do what you love.

John’s advice and programmes have appeared in The Times, The Sunday Times, The Daily Mail, Psychologies, Elle magazine, Marketing Week, The Financial Times and more.

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Selina Barker

…is an expert on the power of play and stress-free productivity. She’s been blasting people out of what they thought they should be doing and into what they really love for over 7 years now and she loves it.

Selina has worked with the big guns such as Apple and My Space, can name chart-topping musicians among her clients and is featured in 5 best-selling career books.

And she truly lives her own life as a ‘player’. In the last 2 years she has lived nomadically with her business in a bag and just 100 possessions to her name while going on adventures in the UK, South & Central America, USA, Canada and India. And she does all this while leading a play revolution as Head Coach at Screw Work Let’s Play.


 We’re on a mission.

A mission to get you (and as many people as possible) doing what you love –

Join the Play Revolution!


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How does it work?

The Screw Work Let’s Play 30 Day Challenge starts 1st November 2013.

The Challenge is a unique online experience that we know you’re going to love. It is a HUGE amount of fun. And you can take part wherever you are in the world because we’ll be connecting the movement in a global online playground.

Here’s how it works – the 7 magic ingredients:

1. NEW: The Killer Idea Crash Course 

In 4 days of easy to digest videos, articles and checklists, we show you:

  • How to generate ideas you’ll love doing and that could make money for you (if you don’t have one already)
  • How to choose between all your possible ideas
  • How to turn big ideas into something you can launch in just 30 days (you’ll love this when you see how we do it!). So no matter how big your dreams – write a book, launch a global business, change the world – you can start in a really simple way right now.
  • Five example projects are that are great to start with if you have no ideas at all.
  • FREE bonus video class with John and Selina on “How to get help on your project even if you don’t have the budget to pay people”:

2. Entrance To The 30 Day Challenge Private Online Community

“How on earth did you and John get such a wonderful group of people in one place, working together, encouraging one another? I get so excited seeing all these creative people pursuing their dreams! This is an amazing experience.” – David H

This is really where the magic happens. Imagine 200 friendly, creative people all taking the journey with you together for 30 days. You know what that means?

30DC CommunityYou don’t have to do it all on your own anymore!

Throughout the challenge you’ll be part of our private online community exclusively for the 200 of you who are out there making it happen. This is where you come to:

  • Share the buzz of 200 people making their ideas happen: read and comment on updates, photos and videos – and post your own
  • Ask for help and advice or shout when you get stuck
  • Celebrate your successes and reach out for that bit of extra encouragement

Now you’ve got 200 people on your side. This changes everything.

3. Face To Face Meetups

Selina and John will organise a free meet-up in London and help challengers all over the world co-ordinate their own meet-ups.

4. 30 Days Of Training, Advice, Support, Encouragement – and friendly butt-kicking when required!

Live video chatJohn and Selina are with you every day in the challenge to supercharge your progress.

Our very own play guru, Selina Barker, will be on hand online throughout the 30 Day Challenge to cheer you on, help you when you get stuck, and keep you focussed and fired up! If you get stuck, just email Selina.

On top of that, you get:

  • The Daily Buzz: Daily bite-size tips and techniques to show you new ways to make things happen with fun and ease, deal with internal blocks, and get you moving if you get stuck. Much of this is content from John that you won’t find in his book – including pieces from his followup book that even his publisher hasn’t seen yet! And you can discuss the ideas and lessons with John himself in a daily online conversation around the Daily Buzz.
  • Weekly Video Broadcasts from John and Selina to turbo-charge every ‘Play Wednesday’ with fun and energy. The ‘John and Selina show’ as it’s been dubbed, will respond to what’s happening in the community and what’s most needed at the time.
  • The coaching zone: Drop in any day you need it to post questions for Selina and get answers, encouragement and a confidence boost when required!
  • Live Video Chat every Wednesday with Selina to help out anyone stuck in a rut or to high five anyone who fancies swinging by to share in their excitement of the progress they’ve made (and Selina loves this so don’t be shy!)

This is Selina’s last ever 30 Day Challenge

Don’t miss this chance to experience the unique combination of John and Selina leading you through making your dreams happen.

4. Tutorials from amazing experts you normally only read about

Expert tutorials

Each week on the challenge we will post a recorded tutorial from one of these hard-to-reach experts to get you up to speed fast in their area of expertise. And you’ll have a chance to discuss the content online with your 200 fellow challengers.

  • Barbara Winter – How to make your first £100 (or $ or €) Barbara is US author of Making A Living Without A Job and has been helping people get started for the last 25 years. Barbara is an expert on turning your passion into a ‘profit centre’.
  • Connie Hozvicka – How to make money from your art: Connie of Dirty Footprints Studio has combined her love of intuitive art and teaching and leads an ever-growing online tribe of fearless painters. Watch this special video tutorial where Connie shares her secrets and tips on earning a living out of your art, doing it your way, building an online tribe and how to value your artwork.
  • John Williams – How to make money from books: John’s tutorial is for everyone from bloggers to wannabe authors to ask their most burning questions about writing, blogging, finding your voice, and creating a bestseller. John turned a blog into a best-selling book, won a book deal in record time, and has been featured in The Times and The Sunday Times. He is currently writing his second book on how to make ideas happen.
  • Jacqueline Burns – Getting published – book deals vs self-publishing. Jacq was commissioning editor at Random House and editorial director at Harper Collins prior to setting up as a literary agent and publishing consultant. In non-fiction her focus is on personal development, business, how-to books, parenting, and well-being. In fiction her focus is women’s fiction. She has ghosted on a wide range of subjects from neuroscience to forced marriage. She also wrote a series of humorous books The Handbag Book of Girly Emergencies, under a pseudonym.
  • Claire Hughes – How to make money from your handmade products. After ten years helping big businesses like British Gas, AOL and Direct Line use the internet to sell their products online, Claire quit to start her own business doing what she loves: applying her digital marketing expertise to help arts & crafts creators make money from their own creations.
  • Simon Williams – How to make money from apps. Simon is author of the best-selling book RichAppPoorApp and created and runs one of the most prolific App development and consultancy companies in the world today.
  • BONUS TUTORIAL 1: How to create a business you can run from anywhere in the world – Lea Woodward of will give you her guide, “4 Things You Need To Do To Prepare Your Business To Go Location Independent” including a real-world checklist with links to videos and more resources to help you start your global life.
  • BONUS TUTORIAL 2: Parents’ Productivity Tips – parents’ coach Grace Marshall shares her tips on juggling your personal projects with your family time and getting things done without compromising your family. Grace is author of 21 Ways to Manage the Stuff That Sucks Up Your Time and runs her own business as well as being mum to two young children.

5. Help With Your Blog or Website

Jason Kruger“Ask the expert” day with website expert, Jason Kruger

This is your chance to ask all those techie questions about themes and widgets and all that stuff – and get answers from web guru, Jason Kruger, who normally charges 100s of pounds for a day of his time

BONUS: Free guide “How to setup your own self-hosted blog or website in 20 minutes”

If you’ve been putting off creating your own blog or website, follow the steps in this free fool-proof guide and you’ll have a new website installed and running in 20 minutes.

6. We install your site!

If you’d love a brand new WordPress website or blog but aren’t technically minded, we will install it for you for FREE and throw in dozens of top quality design themes AND a Video User Manual. All you have to do is register with our recommended hosting company. (Full details of this offer when you join the challenge)

7. The unique 30 Day Challenge “Play Process”

Day by day, you’ll be learning and practicing a whole new way to make ideas happen:

The 30 Day Challenge process

  • A remarkable yet simple process to get stuff done even when you only have 20 minutes to spare a day
  • How to beat resistance, creative block and your own doubts & fears
  • Your Printable Ticksheet Poster to put up on your wall – a deceptively simple system for keeping you on track and moving forward every day.
  • How to make rapid progress without the need for laborious business plans for project plans

8. Accountability

You know how easy it is to say you’re going to do a project but then find that life gets in the way? The 30 Day Challenge includes a checkin process to help you get really clear what you want to do each week – and then commit to it with the encouragement and accountability that means you actually DO IT!

9. Launch day

Imagine 200 people working alongside you to the same schedule, each working to make their idea happen by the 30th day. The experience is quite unlike anything else. On the 30th November, everyone shares what they’ve created,  no matter how small or large and the surge of positive feedback has to be experienced to be believed.

10. You – with a finished project

Just imagine – you, at the end of 30 days, finishing with something real to show for it. Now you know you can find ideas and make them happen. And you can use everything you’ve learned to build on it further – or create something new.

And you might have even made your first playcheque.

[testimonial3 author=”Julia Elmore,” + pic=””]

I almost didn’t sign up for this…

…worrying about lack of time, money, starting something and not finishing it, but I can’t tell you how glad I am that I signed up and followed through.

I have just finished looking at everyone’s achievements on the forum. Wow! More than once I found myself close to tears, seeing what people had achieved.

I would never have thought that so much amazing positive energy could have been generated and so many amazing projects achieved in such a short space of time.

This project has been truly life changing for so many people… myself among them.


[testimonial3 author=”Rowan Hand, GMAT coach – launched website and ebook” + pic=””]My productivity in the past month has shattered any expectations I previously had.  It makes sense how prolific people work in a way that it never had before.  They work smarter, not harder.  So simple![/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”Anna Sansom, started, is now getting paid for her writing” + pic=””]I can hardly believe how much I’ve achieved in the last 30 days. I have dreamed about setting up this website for years but never known how to start or had the impetus to figure it out.[/testimonial3]

All this for a fraction of the cost of
hiring a careers or business coach
(but triple the fun)

Our standard one-to-one coaching programme costs £997 so we created the 30 Day Challenge to bring you an incredible experience in a much more affordable form.

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  • The Killer Idea Crash Course – VALUE: £199
  • 30 days of training and advice from John & Selina including Daily Buzz emails & weekly video broadcasts – VALUE: £299
  • Coaching hangout zone + Weekly live coaching webchats with Selina – VALUE: £299
  • Weekly expert tutorial recordings on making money, getting publishing, selling your own products and more – VALUE: £175
  • ‘Ask the expert’ day for your website questions – VALUE: £75
  • Private global online ‘playground’ for the 200-strong community PLUS a face to face meetup in London (and others taking place around the world) – VALUE: £150
  • The unique Screw Work Let’s Play 30 Day Challenge process for getting paid to do what you love including your Faststart Pack and Daily ticksheets
    The momentum of 200 people around the world playing on the same schedule and supporting each other – PRICELESS!


Only 50 43 Spots Left


Pay Just £97 Today

and only one further payment of £97
in the last week of November
at the end of the 30 Day Challenge


Want to pay in one instalment or use Paypal? Click here


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  • ‘BESTSELLER BLUEPRINT’ AUDIO CLASS: John Williams reveals his entire marketing strategy for his bestselling book, Screw Work Let’s Play for you to use yourself
  • WE INSTALL YOUR WEBSITE OR BLOG: We install your wordpress blog or website for FREE when you use our recommended host
  • VIDEO MASTERCLASS: How to get help on your project even if you don’t have the budget to pay people – John & Selina’s best tips


Got questions?

How much time do I need available to take part?

We show you how to make progress in as little as 20 minutes a day 6 days a week on your project. You’ll also want some time to read the Daily Buzz and connect in the community. Of course the more time you can put in (eg at the weekend), the bigger your project can be but you’ll be amazed what you can achieve in short slots of time every day when we show you how.

Do I need to be in the UK?

Not at all! We have participants from all over Europe, the US, Africa and Australasia. In fact some people take the challenge while travelling around the world. As long as you can get online regularly, you can join! Just be sure to send us a photo of your location so we can enjoy it too 😉

When does it start?

The private online playground opens 30 October for kick off on 1 November. But booking is limited so do grab your place NOW!

I am away/offline for some of November, is it still worth joining?

Yes. Most people will be away or offline for at least a few days out of the month. 5-6 days or even 7 is quite manageable because you can just catch up afterwards. If you’re offline longer than that, ask us in the chat box below and we will give you an honest opinion.

When are you running it again?

We aren’t! This is the LAST 30 Day Challenge with Selina and John. Don’t put off the life you want any longer. Book your place today.

I don’t have an idea to start; can I still join?

Absolutely! We have created the brand new Killer Idea Crash Course to help you generate ideas you love from scratch and work out which one is the very best for *you*.

If there’s anything else you want to ask, use the Chat window on the bottom of the screen NOW!

The 30 Day Challenge will sell out so don’t wait!

Don’t miss your best chance to make a real start on creating the life you dream of.
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Wondering how 30 days can change your life?

Here is what people say about the 30 Day Challenge

[testimonial1_arial author=”Sonja Kuhn”]

Book your place now
[testimonial1_arial author=”Liz Rivers”]

[testimonial3 author=”Michael James” + pic=””]

I wasn’t too sure of my idea when I first started on the 1st day, but now I have written a book to sell online which I didn’t have 30 days ago, and I’ve been helped every step of the way by the community. The best part was seeing what was once a vague idea in my head suddenly become a real tangible object in a single month, after months of just thinking about it and doing nothing.


[testimonial3 author=”Claire Hughes, now getting paid to do what she loves at” + pic=”×300.jpg”]

I started with the vague concept of writing a guide for handmade sellers… but ended up with a business. The feedback and encouragement of the other members made me realise: Why just launch a guide when you can actually start a business? I changed my project and finished the Challenge with a clear brand, my offer, and a basic website up and running. Now I’m really doing it!


[testimonial3 author=”Sarah Sixsmith – created & printed a unique wallpaper design” + pic=””]

I’ve produced something I wanted to do for over 18 months… I actually got on and DID IT!

Now instead of just talking about it, I’m in motion and the project can continue to evolve. The Challenge helped me to start shaping thoughts and ideas for future work directions – you can do so much in this short time!


[testimonial3 author=”Alanna Freeman – Adventurer Roo now available on” + pic=””]”I wrote and illustrated a children’s book. The buzz I got when I had a finished book in my hands was incredible.

The biggest result for me was realising that if there’s something you want to do, you should at least give it a good shot.


[testimonial3 author=”Helen Heery – created a typeface from the handwriting of a rock poet” + pic=””]I can’t think of another time when I have been so eager to wake up every morning and work on something for any sustained length of time. The Challenge has given me so much – a community of wonderful people and it’s spurred me on to learn so many new skills.

People noticed a change in me as I discovered a new lease of life.[/testimonial3]

[testimonial3 author=”Janet Mackechnie – food blogger” + pic=””]On the 30 Day Challenge I created a food blog. I didn’t think I had a voice for blogging before this! The weekly check-ins made sure I really did it and now I have a real blog with a specific focus.
Without the 30DC I would still be just talking about creating a blog.

[testimonial3 author=”Chrissie Slade of Gorgeous Guineas – created and packaged ‘Fox Poo Shampoo’ for dogs in 30 days” + pic=””]

I would love to do this again, it gives you such a big push in the right direction – particularly when you’ve paid money for it! The Challenge was worth every penny.


[testimonial3 author=”Nadine cycled 4000km around Spain, sponsored.” + pic=””]

I knew I wanted to be an Adventurer but I didn’t know where to start. The 30DC just stopped the over thinking process, I took a pick and committed myself to an idea for 30 days and let it evolve, see what it can become. What are 30 days? I had nothing to lose and in the end gained experiences, skills and friendships that I could not have planned myself: Mission Spain was born.

I started on the 1st of April and on the 30th of April I had an impressive wordpress site and was sitting in a plane to Spain picking up my bike from one of my Sponsors. Two days later I started a language course in Salamanca that was also sponsored, preparing myself to mount the saddle and cycle around Spain by myself for two months. Everything was organized in 30 days and in the end I had an incredible adventure followed which 5000 people followed online.

The challenge kept my momentum going and stopped the perfectionism that used to get in the way.

The weekly summaries and checklist helped me keep track of the steps and things that would form the outline of the project, Selina’s motivation kicks reminded me of little tricks and tools to keep the momentum and the community helped me to create an amazing adventure. Now I’m ready for the next one: writing the book, Mission Spain!


[testimonial3 author=”Rachael Green” + pic=””]“Essentially, the 30DC has taught me how to play again, to not take life so seriously. I had forgotten this essential part of my life.

This project has booted me into the wide blue yonder and given me incredible confidence to start really doing the things I love instead of what other people want me to do.”[/testimonial3]


Book your place now
(you know you want to)